Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Julia fractal Crop Circle at Stonehenge

This pictogram appeared in daylight on July 7th 1996. It is 900 x 500 ft consisting of 151 circles, and materialised in a field close to Stonehenge. A pilot flying over the monument saw nothing in the field as he passed over but on his return a mere 35 minutes later the design was complete. And as the photo shows it was within a short distance of the busy A303, and Stonehenge, and appeared in a short time in daylight although no-one saw anything, despite the dozens of visitors to Stonehenge, nor the probable hundreds of motorists passing within feet of the field. The design is a perfect Julia Fractal which is a complex mathematical symbol familiar to chaos theorists. It would have taken several days for landscape artists or other qualified people to plot the designs on the ground, let alone construct it.

Click here to access The Cropcircle-connector site

All crop circle images in this website are by courtesy of " The Crop Circle Connector "


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